[insert flipped_desk.jpg]

After a day of making various meshes I slowly realised I may be doing something very wrong by making everything in one project file (with numerous iterations) my reasoning behind this is that of few meshes I tried to UV unwrap none of them seemed to do so correctly.

I had also spent the day trying to make a colour ID map per mesh… Which took a long time but in the end it also seemed to fail.


There is a slight silver lining… Well kinda concrete I guess. Whilst I was having a bit of a mad panic I decided to load up Substance B2M and have a go at making my own texture from what I could remember from the Game Design Workshop. I know I should be focusing on the project at hand but I intend to use the meshes for my next project… Or at least some variations of them. So even though I am panicking a little too much right now it’s pointless to give up, so I’m aiming to use what failures I have encountered to build upon for the next project.

The main thing that I have to keep reminding myself is that this is an entirely new skill set and I decided to just jump in, which might not have been the best approach. However so far I have enjoyed creating the meshes and essentially creating my own world out of what I have learnt.


I have taken time to use B2M in order to make a material from an image via textures.com, what B2M does is turn a bitmap image into a material, or at least export the following components of a material map as a desired image file type. (I chose .PNG files because I know that I can open them without additional software after the exporting process.)

  • Base Colour
  • Roughness
  • Metallic
  • Diffuse
  • Specular
  • Glossiness
  • Normal
  • Height
  • Displacement
  • Bump
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Curvature
  • Detail Normal
  • Emissive
  • Opacity

Thinking back I should have probably deselected some of these as the material is supposed to be concrete, there wouldn’t be many (if any) metallic propeties to the material. There are a few others that I’m not so sure on but I figured if it’s not broken then why fix it? Knowing how I work I’ll likely end up regretting this decision later.

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