Project begins… and doubt strikes again.

Over the past few weeks I have spent time looking a 3D assets and so on for both film an games, stupidly I’ve not been practicing and the reason for this is that it’s kind of scared to try and potentially fail, I guess. Trying to learn a new skillset seemed like a good idea at the time but having seen how much work it takes has made me wonder if the plan of a single semester project will have to be made into a year-long project. However I aim to try my best, and should it all fail I can still say I tried, I had the same doubts around this time last year about the last project but managed it.


So far I have decided on 3D work, it’s new and with the game and film industry getting closer and closer it makes sense to try and find an in point that both industries share. The plan is to create an asset library, I have yet to decide on a theme but it’s looking closer to sci-fi than post apocalyptic-fallout-styled-alternate-1950’s BUT I have to come up with an idea. So far I’m standing on the edge looking at the metaphorical learning curve wondering what tools to use.

So far I’m looking at using Blender to model the assets and perhaps Substance Painter to texture, however there is also the idea of using photoshop to create unwrapped textures however I need to look into this more.

My goal for this next week is to come up with an idea… A SIMPLE idea not this big notion of trying to create a game or whatever I have thought of, because there is only one of me and I doubt anyone ever went from beginner to expert overnight.

Hopefully  I can get my ideas on paper first and then modelled soon after.

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