More of the same and sudden panic

I’ve been a little quiet recently and that has been because of a few reasons, some personal and a sudden lack of motivation after a number of things had gone wrong including the UV unwrapping stage of creating a mesh.

From my previous post I have decided simplify my project further by creating some room objects that are more modular, by this I mean making a series of three or more meshes that can be interchangable instead of one mesh that is repeated over and over, though this works with games more film seems a little less forgiving as we tend to look at the environment whilst watching an actor’s performance.

With this all in mind I have decided to create to make a small list of what I hope to have finished by the end of the week:

  • 3 cupboards (Varying doors/details) based on a modular aesthetic
  • Power cylinder/engine
  • Power box
  • Energy cell
  • Pipes
  • Greeble/Nurnie assets (if possible)

Each mesh should have a colour id map, ready to be brought into Substance Painter. From here each model should be painted with a uniform look and application of theme.

After this I need to make sure the model functions as needed and upload to Gumroad as the main distribution method.

After all of this I should have the bulk of the work tied down ready for the hand-in in 12.

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